Our company was registered on April 21, 2010. During this time, we have become the most powerful machine to combat unreliable negative reviews, fake articles and information attacks.
In 95% of cases, any work on reputation marketing in our company is protected by the NDA framework. Therefore, we decided to not just tell you about how someone’s reputation was bad, then we appeared, and everything became good.
The Reputation House company actively conducts scientific work on the creation of a model for predicting the movement of information flows on the Internet
We work with the reputation of brands and persons, monitor mentions, promptly identify information flows and analyze user opinions, find the causes of news spikes, count the coverage of mentions and the number of user reactions.
The Reputition House team is expert-level specialists who effectively work on the popularization of brands .The company has been successfully developing and implementing PR strategies for business for more than 10 years, provides full-scale reputation monitoring and correction services, conducts audits and marketing research of varying degrees of complexity.
We have been managing the reputation of major brands and media personalities since 2010. Working with us, you have a chance to defend the image and to repel attacks on politicians, artists, writers and athletes. The Reputition House team is a powerful machine made up of people with extensive experience in Internet marketing and newcomers to this industry, the main thing is that they all share a love for what they do and a thirst to see results. You should know one thing - bad people don't work for us!
Customers are provided with a wide range of areas where reputation management is required: image management services for persons, brand, products, services.
An Internet agency with a central office in Dubai . The head of the company are Dima Raketa
Any work on reputation marketing in our company in 95% of cases is protected by the NDA framework, but we still want to show you how Sidorin Lab works with real examples.
Our SERM services help you enhance your online reputation and strengthen your brand, ensuring that you have a positive image in the online world.
A unique book co-authored by Dmitry Sidorin and Nikita Prokhorov. Leading Russian Internet experts in the field of reputation management talk about what reputation monitoring services exist on the Web and how reputation management is carried out in search engines.
Our Online Reputation Management services help you control and maintain a positive brand image in the digital world.
Our Media Monitoring services help you stay ahead of your brand's reputation by keeping track of all mentions of your brand in the media.
Our Analytical Research services provide valuable insights and data to help you make informed decisions for your business.
Lead generation is the receipt of "hot" applications for business services or, in other words, a way to attract customers, in which the company pays only for receiving the contact information of potential customers, and is not spent on the entire front of conversion work.
Everything is important in the placement of PR materials, starting from what you want to tell the public about your company and ending with proper contacts with industry and thematic media and what many experts forget is the competent promotion of materials. The main thing is not to forget that PR is a marketing channel, which means it should bring money.
The main task of the SERM service on YouTube is to make sure that no one can find anything negative about your brand.
In addition, we learned how to watch videos on YouTube and TikTok. The capabilities of modern monitoring systems allow you to find mentions of the company in the text (video titles, descriptions, hashtags), but not the content of the videos. Now we will get the mention of your company or person directly from the video.
More useful information about ensuring and controlling reputation, proper positioning of yourself and much more
We repel attacks and minimize reputational risks for companies, neutralize fake news and prevent their further spread. We form a positive presence on the Internet, reveal the positive aspects of companies' activities and strengthen the personal brands of people.
We repel attacks and minimize reputational risks for companies in the UAE in Dubai, neutralize fake news and prevent their further spread. We form a positive presence on the Internet, reveal the positive aspects of companies' activities and strengthen the personal brands of people.
We repel attacks and minimize reputational risks for companies in the USA in California, neutralize fake news and prevent their further spread. We form a positive presence on the Internet, reveal the positive aspects of companies' activities and strengthen the personal brands of people.
Physicist-mathematician, Internet expert, political strategist, Russia's first specialist in the field of reputation management on the Internet. Creator of "Sidorin Lab", "Reputation Lab", "Reputation House" and the LIMUR educational center. A person who has isolated the idea of brand reputation management into an independent discipline and has been helping companies take care of their image for 10 years.
A successful head of the fast-growing Reputition House group of companies, a trendsetter in the field of reputation management in the CIS countries. One of the few practicing SERM service specialists.
We repel attacks and minimize reputational risks for companies in the China in Hong Kong, neutralize fake news and prevent their further spread. We form a positive presence on the Internet, reveal the positive aspects of companies' activities and strengthen the personal brands of people.
For years it has been widely believed that businesses or individuals have little if any options when victimized by unwanted and damaging content on the internet. This is no longer the case.
Business reputation management services are professional solutions designed to help businesses build, monitor, protect, and improve their online reputation.
Reputation Management Video - Reputation breakdowns, analytics, real cases and much more from the company Reputation House
Have questions about online reputation management? Check out the FAQ from Reputation House, the leading reputation management company.
Brand online reputation management services are professional solutions designed to help businesses build, monitor, protect, and improve their online reputation.
Personal online reputation management services are professional solutions designed to help businesses build, monitor, protect, and improve their online reputation.
More useful information about ensuring and controlling reputation, proper positioning of yourself and much more
Repair your online reputation with Reputation House. We are experts in online reputation repair services for individuals and businesses
In 95% of cases, any work on reputation marketing in our company is protected by the NDA framework. Therefore, we decided to not just tell you about how someone’s reputation was bad, then we appeared, and everything became good.
In 95% of cases, any work on reputation marketing in our company is protected by the NDA framework. Therefore, we decided to not just tell you about how someone’s reputation was bad, then we appeared, and everything became good.
In 95% of cases, any work on reputation marketing in our company is protected by the NDA framework. Therefore, we decided to not just tell you about how someone’s reputation was bad, then we appeared, and everything became good.
Reputation House offers powerful SEO to boost your search ranking and attract more customers. Our custom strategies make your business easily discoverable, driving traffic and sales.
This article highlights Dima Raketa's career and achievements as the CEO of Reputation House. It covers his early entrepreneurial ventures, leadership in reputation management, values like resilience and strategic thinking, and his emphasis on continuous learning and building a strong online reputation.